Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Riding my Bike Across the United States


  1. Jim, best wishes for a smooth ride! I just drove my car across the southern portion of the US (San Diego to Wash DC) from May 22 to 31. Saw a pair of long distance cyclists near Flagstaff, AZ riding in 3" of snow and 34 deg temps, most unusual weather for May 23rd. Two days later I Spoke to several age 70+ cyclists in northern NM who were riding from Chicago to LA on old Rt 66. Saw a lot of other riders doing that route too, but the stretches of 66 I saw in NM did not look too aesthetically attractive. Your northern route should be nicer. Keep us posted on how it goes! If it's like the start of high school X-Country running season, you should get stronger if you survive the first week or so:-)

    Safe travels,

    Jim K.

    Falls Church/McLean VA

  2. I am so glad you are doing this Jim! Both the ride and the blog--keep it up!!!

  3. Onwards you go! I wish I could join you. Let's save that for next year along the Irish coast. Surely you can't get enough of this, and refueling with Guinness is a lot more nutritious than the what, jelly beans?

  4. Great stuff! Looking forward to seeing more of the adventure.

  5. Hot? 7 hours pedaling in the desert???

  6. When is your first rest day?? You must have buns of steel to do 6-8 hrs in a saddle day after day!
    Jim K

  7. First rest day is day 11 in Salt Lake City, after back-to-back 100+ days. Hmmmm.

  8. Jim, great narrative of your cross country experiences. Fantastic pictures of the big sky territory you're traveling through. Hope the cellphone camera gets fixed!!

  9. Hi Jim,
    Harv and Kathy catching up with you here. Keep up the great postings - the old man is holding his own, it sounds like (though consider the source:😀). All's well on Gill Street-- we'll round up for the
    celebratory wheel dip in Rye.

  10. Thanks so much! I see it was in the 40s last night in Exeter ... enjoy the summer weather!!
