Monday, June 3, 2019

Monday, June 3:  Vallejo, California to Sacramento, California
Distance:  68.2 miles
Total time:  7 hours
Riding time:  5 hours

If yesterday was urban guerilla biking and navigation challenges, today was what I imagined a cross-country bike ride would be.  A pure blue sky, temperatures in the 70s (that eventually reached the 90s at our destination), and a tail wind most of the way.  Cycling through wine country at 25 miles an hour with a tail wind is not a bad thing.

I wore my favorite cycling jersey to let people know who's who:

This is right before the start, with Michael from Ohio:

Who says California doesn't have high culture.  Our first SAG stop (service and gear) was at the Jelly Belly factory.  If you're not in the know, Jelly Bellies were Ronald Reagan's favorite jelly bean, and mine.  Most of the group took a tour of the factory and loaded up on jelly beans to fuel the ride.

As my family can tell you, when I'm traveling, by car or bike, I don't stop to take pictures of scenery.  I look at scenery.  I don't photograph it.  So here's the one picture I took of scenery during today's ride.  Now you know why I don't spend a lot of time on landscape photos:

I stopped at a bike shop in Auburn with Mike from Ohio:

When we got to Sacramento, our destination today, it was 91 degrees.  My roommate for the ride, Leonard from Ohio, put his bike in the room and then went for a run.  I guess we know who won today's "Toughest Guy in the Room" competition.  Tomorrow is another day.

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