Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday, June 10:  Battle Mountain, Nevada to Elko, Nevada
Distance:  74 miles
Total time:  6 hours 36 minutes
Riding time:  5 hours 36 minutes

Today was one of those days that seemed like four separate rides.  First, a glorious 27 mile run on back roads through beautiful countryside, with a cooperative wind; second, a 13 mile climb up to Emigrants Pass, over 6,000 feet; third, a screaming five mile downhill, spoiled only by a flat tire; and finally a workaday 30 mile ride on I-80 and into Elko.

For the first 27 miles we had a pretty professional pace line going.  Here are the guys who were part of that - Dave, Jamie, Michael, Ken, and your humble servant:

Jamie got a nice shot of me riding by:

Michael has many talents, including taking selfies while riding 18 miles an hour.  That's the pace line trying to keep up:

The 13 mile climb was arduous, but not as bad as some of the previous hills.  The grade was a little more manageable.  I took this midway up - sometimes it's hard to believe how far you've ridden:

The climb was about 1500 feet altogether, and crested at Emigrants Pass.  This is Jamie from Maine posing by the sign:

After the descent, we passed through a cool, verdant canyon, with river, wild flowers and tall rock walls.  The picture doesn't do it justice:

Nevada has a lot of these historical markers.  Most tell the story of tough pioneer people enduring incredible hardship.  This one tells many stories:

Historical markers aren't the only signs along the road in Nevada.  There are many signs which give important information, like the one below.  But, a question:  Do I self-report, or do I report others?

So, a long day tomorrow, with no pictures.  I'll have to drum up some narrative skills.


  1. Jim, you're doing some great, tough riding. I can only imagine those winds. Hope you get a broad reach tomorrow.

  2. I noticed that you have a knee bandage of some sort. Is that just precautionary?

  3. No, my knees hurt and the bandage helps. I'm going to buy one for the other knee in Salt Lake City.
