Distance: 55.2 miles
Total time: 5 hours 19 minutes
Riding time: 4 hours 36 minutes
Last night the Brits gave me a gift. They knew that I had worked at Homeland Security. They found this completely inappropriate and politically incorrect tee-shirt at a truck stop, and thought of me:
As we pulled out of Winnemucca this morning, it was cool and very windy. This is how windy it was:
You may know that Nevada has a significant Basque population (remember Senator Paul Laxalt?). The Winnemucca Basque Festival was today. Unfortunately we only caught the participants walking to the festival as we rolled out of town:
More of the same today out on the road. A short day - 55 miles - and in fact I believe this was the shortest ride of all. The scenery was unchanged, but I have to say it's growing on me. Nevada is spectacular in it's way:
And I like this picture - a rare art photo from me. Like the ray of sunshine?
A small group of us fought the wind all day by riding in peloton, or pace line. The idea is to share the lead and the hard work. But there was one very tough five mile climb today, and Ken from Florida, a very strong rider (as you can see from the photo) did us a solid by leading us up the entire climb. Thanks Ken.
The three guys he led up the climb were Michael from Ohio, Jamie from Maine and your humble servant, joined in the photo below by Doug from California.
We stopped for lunch at a truck stop, and I noticed this memorial on the back of a truck. Very touching - the driver's mother?
I mentioned the Brits, and how good they are. Here's a picture of them zipping by as our little group took a rest:
Battle Mountain is our home tonight. We had dinner in the El Aguila Mexican restaurant - huge portions and a friendly atmosphere. The next three days will be very tough. Let's hope the wind cooperates.
Jim looks like you're having a blast!! Keep the pics and narrative coming. Would have commented earlier but just realized there wa a comments section.